Tuesday: Today the bus got beamed up into an alien spaceship. The aliens had loads of really cool technology like an antimatter roller-coaster and photon torpedo enhanced anteaters. But if you want to have a tour of their spaceship, you have to pay for the tickets. This sounded good to me because I had a £20 note in my bag, but the aliens said they had no interest in human money (especially the British pound in this dire economic climate). Their main interest is in probing human bumholes, with a side-line interest in cattle mutilation. Giving them a look up my bum seemed a small price to pay for a look round the spaceship fun park and a go at worm-hole wind surfing (not to mention that at the end of it I would still have £20, which is better than nothing in this dire economic climate). I don’t know how the aliens felt about the Rhiannon-bumhole situation after actually seeing my bum, although they didn’t spend anything like as long on my bum as everyone else’s, but it did mean that I got two goes at neutrino paint-balling! That’ll teach them that not all bumhole probing is beneficial to alienkind – dumbasses!
Read the next instalment of the thrilling five-part saga “Bumhole Bus Journeys”